Aangezien we het Mainsquarefestival volledig als pers mochten coveren, kregen we de kans om enkele unieke interviews af te nemen. Voor mezelf was dit vooral een unieke ervaring aangezien het enige interview dat ik ooit had moeten afleggen voor Snoozecontrol, met The Dillinger Escape Plan, in het water gevallen was. Op het festival te Arras werd dit echter ruimschoots goed gemaakt door het interviewen van Triggerfinger, AnnaCalvi, Arsenal en het bijwonen van de persconferentie van Yodelice en LondonGrammar. De neerslag van het korte interview met Anna Calvi en korte flarden van op de persconferentie van London Grammar en Yodelice vindt u hieronder.
Anna Calvi
Are you excited to play here? It is an unique and historical place to play at, so it would be a great show.
Yes off course! It will be a great venue.
I know you also play at Pukkelpop in Belgium in August? It's one off our major festivals in Belgium.
Yes it should be good.
[Het Citaat uit de review van The Green wordt hier wel redelijk duidelijk: "Anna Calvi is a wallflower when she isn't on stage, but when she plays her music she blossoms like nobody else can do." Gelukkig bloeit ze tijdens de volgende vragen toch een klein beetje open.]
We reviewed your new album and we especially loved the color of your voice. I would like to know, where you got the inspiration for your songs for this album?
Well an important matter is how I interpret the world. In terms of looking outwards and inwards as well to get my inspiration.
What is getting very important in this world at this moment is the internet. So I want to ask you: What do you think that the importance of the internet will be in the music in the future?
I think it takes the music more in the hand of the listeners. Which is in a lot of ways a good thing. It definitely gone change how we interpret the music. And it always has been the case that technology changes music and will continue to do so. It's a natural thing to happen.
What do you think of the biggest festivals like Glanstonbury that are very commercial at this moment in time? And more specific that it makes it very hard to buy tickets for this venues?
Well I think that festivals should be priced in a way that anyone can afford it. I haven't been to a festival as a spectator for a long time. So I don't really know how much they cost at the moment. I hope there are some festivals that are affordable for everyone.
London Grammar
Enkele citaten uit de persconferentie:
"She has to be around me all the time, because together we can make tracks very fast."
"In the future we will play at a lot of festivals and we will be touring around in Europe."
"We got covered a lot in programs like The Voice, but I don't know if we're actually happy with that."
"This was not our first show in France, we already played in Normandy in February."
Als redelijk klein medium op een persconferentie zetelen van een talentenvolle band is op zich al een unieke ervaring, dus wij gingen naar daar met de gedachte om gewoon eens te luisteren en ons afzijdig te houden tijdens de vragenronde. Helaas dachten onze omstaanders blijkbaar net hetzelfde en voelde ik mezelf moreel verplicht om mijn stoute schoenen aantrekken.
How was your show at Rock Werchter, which is one of the major festivals in Belgium?
Amazing actually, at first we didn't know that it was such a big festival but we played in a tent like our show at Glastonbury (Klub C). We were amazed that everyone in Belgium knows our music. It's like playing in France because the french also recognize our songs. That's cool because we also played in Norway and there nobody can sing along with our songs. So that made it a really good show.
Enkele citaten uit de persconferentie:
"Bon chansons ont fait avec trois accords et la vérité'
'Pour moi les cadres de spontanéité sont très important dans un concert. L' improvisation et la communication avec le public et très important pour moi.'
'Arras est un place très unique et historique. Les lieux, l' ambiance et le public c'est incroyable. Il y a beaucoup des internationaux ici, c'est un affiche éclectique.'