Swedish Metal band CLIFFORD release new single about the handling of the pandemic in Sweden; 'En Svensk Jävla Tragedi'. (A Swedish Damn Tragedy)!

  Van Muylem    14 februari 2021

From the label that gave you the metal version of Greta Thunberg's United Nations speech "How Dare You", and in 2020 introduced the band Clifford with a black metal tribute to the 'Swede of the year'; the state epidemiologist of Sweden Mr. Anders Tegnell and then returned with a blistering track, recalling and dissecting a fraction of the madness that emanated from Donald Trump over the past four years with 'You're Fired (by a lot)'. Now CLIFFORD is back with a black metal song about the handling of the pandemic in Sweden.

The brothers behind "All Might to Tegnell" and "You're Fired (by a lot)" return with a darker, more sinister track. This time they don't mince words about Sweden's failure to stop mass casualties and suffering. With their unique blend of contemporary analysis and dark humor, CLIFFORD puts their finger on the handling of the pandemic in their country. "Simply put, it's A Damn Swedish Tragedy."

After the release of 'All makt åt Tegnell' (All Might to Tegnell) in 2021, it organically exploded with over 15 000 views on Youtube, getting airplay and being discussed on Sweden's largest morning show on national public radio 'P3 Morgonpasset' and getting press coverage from Swedish music magazine GAFFA. Thanks to the success, the Clifford brothers signed a record deal with Despotz Records.

'En Svensk Jävla Tragedi' is released on Despotz Records February 12th

Clifford concist of:
T. Clifford - Lyric&music
J. Clifford - Music

More about Clifford can be found here:
Apple Music