Who is Iris? Well she's the face and the voice of The metal formation from Belgium: Spoil Engine! It's like a bomb exploding in your face, but it is waht it is. You can read the statement from the band underneath:
Yes, friends, that title is correct.
With a heavy hart, Iris sets a step aside to explore a new future across the ocean. We support Iris in her decision and wish her all the best!
So, here is our future planning:
A. Last shows with Iris:
* Fleddypalooza: Sat. April 16th (AB Brussels)
tickets & info: https://www.abconcerts.be/.../fleddypa.../a105J000001wiFiQAI
* Final show with Iris: Thu. April 28th (De Kreun Kortrijk)
tickets & info: https://www.facebook.com/events/3172829496283878
Picture taken at Metal female Voices Fest in Weize by Filip Van Muylem
B. Auditions
This band has worked way too hard to reach the level that we are at now. Plus we have some amazing shows & international festivals also booked for this year. So we will try to comply with all bookings and shows contracted; working on that as we speak.
Also, time for auditions:
You live in Europe and have got what it takes to work & perform in a pro metal outfit?
Simply send a mail with bio and references to: contact@spoilengine.com
To our friends & fans: all or nothing; quality is the only goal.
CU soon in the AB - Ancienne Belgique & Concertzaal De Kreun for a final Iris blast!