Lights & Motions the project of Christoffer Franzen made us already speachless several times. He now offers a brand new album, where he proved a broad range of emotions. Make our souls bleed, and our heart 'break'. About time we interview Christoffer about that last album. T...
The first day of Trolls et Légendes is always funtime, never expect serious things, just go for the fun, laughter and discovery of new talents … Today’s interview comes from France with MagoYond who will play in Mons for the first time …
Cloé (du Trèfle) is one of those artists that I follow from the beginning and as for today it has been 22 years (or more) that I have been following her. As I noticed she is really getting very active lately I felt the urge to interview her (this time in English, as I did in French/...
Deze ochtend - zaterdag 14 januari - lazen we in De Standaard een artikel over hoe moeilijk vrouwelijke artiesten het ook anno 2016 nog steeds hebben om in, wat blijkbaar nog steeds een typisch mannenwereldje is, geaccepteerd te worden in de muziekwereld. Zo lazen we o.a. de vraag waarom een arti...
From time to time it's nice to interview the people in the music business that you really like and adore. Today it's time for an interview with Per Aksel Lundgreen, label owner, remixer, was part of many bands and has hiw own projects! Time to put him in the spotlights!
Wederom voelden we de ene na de andere adrenalinestoot onstaan bij elke riff, elke mokerslag maar vooral - met alle respect voor de klasse instrumentalisten - die verdomd rauwe, bulderende stem van Robbe bezorgde ons kippenvel tot een krop in de keel. Helaas bleken er enkele technische problemen,...
Never heard of Christine plays Viola before, but they will play in our country as warming up band for Das Ich and we totally loved their latest album. So our reviewers Erik Van Damme and Filip Van Muylem decided to go for it and expose them to our readers who deserve to get to know them much better!
Grasduinende doorheen het jaar 2016 botsen we op Jambox . Dit is een Italiaanse Shoegaze Band die in mei 2016 een EP op de markt brachten: Spleen. Wij waren vooral onder de indruk van de technisch hoogstaande manier van muziek maken, de heel bijzonder vocalen en de experimentele inbreng binnen he...
Karolina Pacan will perform twice at Trolls et Légendes: with her band and solo. I already had an interview with the band and with Alain Poncelet, now it’s time to unveil more about Rusalka and the little stories …
Naheulband is a living legend for the Trolls et Légendes fans, they played since the first edition and got pretty fast the status of headliner. I already had an interview in the past with them, but Ghislain, Tony, John and Ladyfae granted me another interview and they still have so much to...