Snoozecontrol Team

  Tom V    25 januari 2014

Welcome visitor, label, promotor, band, ...

Below all the names of our teammembers. If someone is taking contact with you who is not in the list please let us know so whe can go to the court in Belgium. If someone says he is working for Snoozecontrol and he is not on the list please take contact with us too.

Names of our crew:

Only contact between Snoozecontrol and you by e-mail:

  1. Tom Vanderghinste


  1. Florian Cassier
  2. Tim De Moerloose
  3. Kim Andriessen
  4. Erik Vandamme
  5. Sammy Van den Broeke
  6. Jordy Sabels
  7. Jens Vanden Meersschaut
  8. EVy Collard


  1. Tom Vanderghinste
  2. Marie-Charlotte Heirman
  3. Tom Vanduffel
  4. Sylvie Huybrecht
  5. Jens De Haes


  1. Mirjam de Vries