Screeching Weasel houd het voor bekeken

      24 maart 2011

Als we mogen geloven kunnen we melden dat Screeching Weasel het voor bekeken houd. De aanleiding voor deze beslissing is het eerdere uit de hand gelopen optreden van de groep.

"The un-calculated act put forth by Ben "Weasel" Foster leading up to and including the violence that erupted on stage is seen by the band as shameful and embarrassing. The sentiments and actions expressed were completely out of our control and in no way represent the band members' view points or moral compasses. As a result, the band has discussed at length and has come to the conclusion that as a group we will not likely be able to muster the dignity to attempt a live performance as "Screeching Weasel" in the for-seeable future. We each look forward to re-evaluating our involvement in the band as we move forward if we are given the opportunity.