Dunk! Festival 2013 : De eerste namen!

  Erik Vandamme    7 november 2012

Dunk! Festival is in 2013 ondertussen aan hun 9ste editie toe en gaat tradioneel nog steeds door in Bevergemse Vijvers te Zottegem op 29-30 en 31 Maart


Het festival maakte nu hun eerste namen bekend, dit valt te lezen in volgende mail :

dunk!festival2013: March 29-30-31

So we can finally come out with some of the things we've been working on for quite some time.
Let's start with the most important news first: first names on the line up.

Those who paid attention will already know that Jakob from New Zealand will play at the festival. They will perform on Sunday.
But we can also confirm that Kwoon from France, Toundra from Spain, Labirinto from Brazil and Kokomo from Germany will be there.

That's it for now. As soon as we have more names confirmed we will let you know!
Besides an awesome line-up we are also working on some great new stuff to also make this edition unforgetable again.
More information about that will follow very soon.

De eerste namen zijn dus Jacob , Kwoon, Toundra , Labirinto , Kokomo. Voor verdere updates : http://www.dunkfestival.be of uiteraard op deze website snoozecontrol.be

