Artwork en tracklist van nieuwste album Foo Fighters beschikbaar

  Tom V    11 augustus 2014

"This album is instantly recognizable as a Foo Fighters record, but there's something deeper and more musical to it. I think that these cities and these people influenced us to stretch out and explore new territory, without losing our โ€˜sound'." zo verwoordt Dave Grohl zijn nieuwste album.

De band hen 8ste studio album zal de titel Sonic Highways dragen en wordt op 10 november gereleased. Binnenin dit artikel kunt u de tracklist en artwork terugvinden.


1. Something From Nothing
2. The Feast and The Famine
3. Congregation
4. What Did I Do?/God As My Witness
5. Outside
6. In The Clear
7. Subterranean
8. I Am A River